As an artist, my journey has been exciting, a path of creativity and exploration. Every stroke of colour takes me into a world of imagination, bringing untold stories to life. It's a way of discovery, where I encounter new emotions and thoughts, giving voice to unfinished stories inside me. And on this artistic journey, I find comfort in knowing that it's always evolving, with limitless possibilities to be discovered.There’s something special about letting colours run their own course.For me every painting is an adventure, a story waiting to unfold…

A few words on my process…

As an artist, my vision is to captivate viewers through the expressive power of vivid colors, a diverse array of textures, and the dynamic interplay of light, shade, and movement within my paintings. With a fondness for experimentation, I explore various mediums such as watercolors, oils, and mixed media, allowing each medium to contribute its unique qualities to the finished piece. With each stroke of the brush or implement, I seek to convey the essence of the subject and evoke emotions in the observer. The brilliant hues and wide range of textures I employ add depth and dimension to my artworks, urging observers to immerse themselves in the art and discover different layers of meaning within each composition. For me, art is a continuous process of self-discovery and exploration, and it is my hope that my creations inspire others to embark on their own artistic journeys.

I’ve shared below a few pictures and closeups taken during some of my paintings to show a bit of the techniques I use. Thank you for looking.

A few photos taken during a watercolour painting of cherry blossoms done very recently… I love first washes, when I just let the water run its course and the colours merge and take their own paths…paintings such as these are done in layers , over quite a few sessions , the important step being knowing when to stop.